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Integrating RTC 3.0.1 with Websphere Integration Developer

Vidhya Prakash (853133) | asked Jul 01 '11, 10:42 a.m.
Are there any links which talks about which version of Websphere Integration Developer is Integrated with RTC 3.0.1?

We have a group of developers that use RTC 2.0 integrated with Websphere Integration Developer (WID) 7.0. WID 7.0 uses Eclispe 3.4.2. But since we are planning to upgrade are production environment to 3.0.1 are their options for using RTC 3.0.1 with WID? If so which versions and any links would be usefull.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 04 '11, 3:08 a.m.
Are there any links which talks about which version of Websphere Integration Developer is Integrated with RTC 3.0.1?

We have a group of developers that use RTC 2.0 integrated with Websphere Integration Developer (WID) 7.0. WID 7.0 uses Eclispe 3.4.2. But since we are planning to upgrade are production environment to 3.0.1 are their options for using RTC 3.0.1 with WID? If so which versions and any links would be usefull.

Hi Vidhya,

the application to install the RTC eclipse client into (in this case WID) needs to have a Eclipse version compatible to the system requirements in .

I think the finding in past discussions around this where that WID 7 is not compatible to RTC3.x.

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Vidhya Prakash (853133) | answered Jul 04 '11, 3:23 a.m.
Are there any links which talks about which version of Websphere Integration Developer is Integrated with RTC 3.0.1?

We have a group of developers that use RTC 2.0 integrated with Websphere Integration Developer (WID) 7.0. WID 7.0 uses Eclispe 3.4.2. But since we are planning to upgrade are production environment to 3.0.1 are their options for using RTC 3.0.1 with WID? If so which versions and any links would be usefull.

Hi Vidhya,

the application to install the RTC eclipse client into (in this case WID) needs to have a Eclipse version compatible to the system requirements in .

I think the finding in past discussions around this where that WID 7 is not compatible to RTC3.x.


Do you see any kind of workarounds for project teams who would not be able to upgrade at this stage due to some business constraints?

Thanks & Regards,

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 04 '11, 3:39 a.m.

this has been discussed in this forum several times, please search it for details.

In general it is possible to import projects in Eclipse based solutions without copying. If you do this with projects in sandboxes controlled by RTC you essentially can work with the projects as if you do editing external to RTC. After doing changes you refresh in RTC that detects the outgoing changes and you can check in/ deliver and accept.

It is not a beautiful solution but practically works. I'd however check the WID eclipse base and roadmap for compatibility first, because my answer is only based on memories and I didn't look it up again.

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