RTC 3.0.1 - zOS ISPF Daemon - client service level
ISPF daemon - for each started task (using a specific port number) how man ISPF client users can be effectively serviced? We have a few hundred developers and may need more than one daemon to adequately handle a large number of developers. I am assuming that more than one daemon could be running using different ports, is that a good assumption
3 answers
ISPF daemon - for each started task (using a specific port number) how man ISPF client users can be effectively serviced? We have a few hundred developers and may need more than one daemon to adequately handle a large number of developers. I am assuming that more than one daemon could be running using different ports, is that a good assumption
Exact, more than one daemon can be running using different ports, using the same z/OS toolkit installation.
Some reminding infos concerning ISPF client daemon :
Configuring & starting the daemon -->
We ship sample JCL that admins should configure and use to start the daemon as a started task.
Administrators fill in appropriate values to specify: RTC home, port, daemon config directory, and working directory.
Startup script looks inside the specified configuration directory for a file named ispfdmn.conf. Administrators should edit this file to configure the daemon. Most important settings:
_ISPF_REGISTRY_DIR where the daemon will register itself on the filesystem
SCM_WORK where the daemon will write SCM metadata
_ISPF_DAEMON_LOG file where the daemon will log information
Configuration & Settings (Available under option 0 from main menu) -->
Daemon Port: Optional. The port on which the multi-user daemon is listening. If omitted, the ISPF client will use the first daemon it can find in the specified registry.
Daemon Registry Directory: Required. The directory on the host filesystem under which to search for daemons. This is the most important setting the ISPF client will not be able to function without it, and users will receive a message about not being able to locate the daemon. This value must match the value of the _ISPF_REGISTRY_DIR variable in the ispfdmn.conf config file.
ISPF daemon - for each started task (using a specific port number) how man ISPF client users can be effectively serviced? We have a few hundred developers and may need more than one daemon to adequately handle a large number of developers. I am assuming that more than one daemon could be running using different ports, is that a good assumption
Number of users a single ISPF daemon could support may vary a lot by workload and hardware configuration. 100 check-ins per hour generates much more requests than 10 check-ins per hour. We used jazz.net developer's usage mode to simulate workload during our testing. Current test result shows there is no software limitation for ISPF daemon to support hundreds of users (we tested as many as 900 so far). The more users supported, more resource needed. Another thing worth to think about is zAAP processor. ISPF daemon is running Java at back end so it could be offloaded to zAAP processor. For more information about zAAP, visit http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/z/hardware/features/zaap/index.html
ISPF daemon - for each started task (using a specific port number) how man ISPF client users can be effectively serviced? We have a few hundred developers and may need more than one daemon to adequately handle a large number of developers. I am assuming that more than one daemon could be running using different ports, is that a good assumption
In response to the question related to the number of users serviced by single daemon....we have a performance test that successfully executes simulating the use of 850+ users against 1 ISPF daemon.