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artifactFilePublisher size limitation

Masumi Kobayakawa (2143) | asked Jun 20 '11, 1:46 a.m.

According to the Ant task reference, there are limitation of 10MB for using artifactFilePublisher task.
Does this limitation needed to be strictly observed?
Can't we store artifacts larger than 10MB?

I am thinking of storing build artifacts in the repository, and the size will be about 40MB.
I am not intending to store the artifacts in every daily builds, but want to store the qualifiedartifacts which will be officially released.

v2.0 Information Center says the size "should not" be larger , but v3.0 Information Center says the size "must not" be larger.

Is there any differences between v2.0 and v3.0?

Thanks in advance!

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Brent Ulbricht (2.5k11) | answered Jun 20 '11, 2:49 p.m.

According to the Ant task reference, there are limitation of 10MB for using artifactFilePublisher task.
Does this limitation needed to be strictly observed?
Can't we store artifacts larger than 10MB?

I am thinking of storing build artifacts in the repository, and the size will be about 40MB.
I am not intending to store the artifacts in every daily builds, but want to store the qualifiedartifacts which will be officially released.

v2.0 Information Center says the size "should not" be larger , but v3.0 Information Center says the size "must not" be larger.

Is there any differences between v2.0 and v3.0?

Thanks in advance!


One of the main issues with large files is the growth of the database because the artifactFilePublisher task publishes the content in the database. The recommended solution for large files is to store them some other place and use the artifactLinkPublisher task to publish a link to the file. This topic has some posts from a user that noticed the growth in the database when publishing to the database. This is a link to the enhancement request that was created from that topic. Feel free to add comments if that looks like an enhancement that you would be interested in.

Brent Ulbricht
RTC Build Lead

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