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How to deliver a delivered change set again to new stream?

Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | asked Jun 10 '11, 12:07 p.m.
retagged Dec 02 '13, 2:54 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
In the case of maintaining several concurrent RTC release streams, one will need to deliver a change set to all streams required from time to time.

The following notes from Help suggests one has to pre-configure the workspace's flow targets to deliver to a different stream than the default:

To specify a non-default flow target before you deliver changes, open the Pending Changes view, right-click the repository workspace, and click Change Flow Target. Select from the list of targets you added to your repository workspace, or enter a text string to search for another stream or workspace.

But it is not clear what one should do if one delivered a change set A to stream 1, then later is requested to get the same change to stream2 and 3 also.

I can locate the delivered change set, and open it in Change Explorer but the only option I have is to create a new Patch.

Using RTC scm command deliver seems to be the easiest way but what is the command to locate an old chnage set which has been closed, delivered and completed? The scm list command doesn't work with change set.

Or one has to use the approach to deliver from one stream to another stream via a workspace?

2 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jun 10 '11, 1:21 p.m.
In the case of maintaining several concurrent RTC release streams, one will need to deliver a change set to all streams required from time to time.

The following notes from Help suggests one has to pre-configure the workspace's flow targets to deliver to a different stream than the default:

To specify a non-default flow target before you deliver changes, open the Pending Changes view, right-click the repository workspace, and click Change Flow Target. Select from the list of targets you added to your repository workspace, or enter a text string to search for another stream or workspace.

But it is not clear what one should do if one delivered a change set A to stream 1, then later is requested to get the same change to stream2 and 3 also.

I can locate the delivered change set, and open it in Change Explorer but the only option I have is to create a new Patch.

Using RTC scm command deliver seems to be the easiest way but what is the command to locate an old chnage set which has been closed, delivered and completed? The scm list command doesn't work with change set.

Or one has to use the approach to deliver from one stream to another stream via a workspace?

You may want to read the article on multi-stream development. The basic idea is that the user delivers to stream 1. Then the user changes flow targets to stream 2. The change set will show up as outgoing. This would be what you call delivering from one stream to another via a workspace.

In 3.0.1, you may also show a stream in Pending Changes and deliver/accept changes to its current flow target.

Bryan Miller - Integration Developer commented Oct 10 '13, 3:02 p.m.

Has this changed for 4.x?  It seems odd that one cannot go into "locate changesets" and deliver one or more to another stream.

Bryan Miller - Integration Developer commented Oct 15 '13, 4:55 p.m.

In 4.x you should be able to deliver stream-to-stream in the pending changes view.   Just add the stream to pending changes view and the changes should show up.

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John Bayley (122) | answered Jan 16 '15, 6:24 p.m.
You can't just pick a particular changeset - a bug fix, for example, made to a maintenance stream - and deliver that to another stream. RTC seems to expect you to deliver every single outgoing change. If you don't, you will receive an error:

"Delivering these changes would produce gaps in the stream. You are trying to deliver a subset of the outgoing change sets [Precisely. That is the goal. -- JB] but they need to be delivered together because of dependencies between them."

Thus, it appears that RTC tracks file revisions (although it hides this information from the user) in change sets - like its cousin, Accurev - instead of tracking diffs. What we need is an RTC equivalent of Git's cherry-pick command.

In the meantime, it looks like the only option is to generate a patch. However, this isn't a regular ol' patch, as in, compatible with the *nix 'patch' command. It appears it is only consumable by the Eclipse GUI. Or is there an RTC CLI command that I'm missing?

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