When I replace a component with it's baseline in Pending Changes tab, what happens to the work items and change sets related to that component?
I want to replace a component with it's baseline in order to get rid of a delivered change set. Actually I want to split a change set, but found out that it's not supported.
(We have started migrating to RTC 4.0 and I have only couple of change sets for this component that is being replaced)
I am not sure how 'Replace with baseline' effects COMPONENT work items and change sets.
When I replace a component with it's baseline in Pending Changes tab, will it get rid of the work items & change sets related to that component?
I want to start with a clean slate for this component being replaced with baseline (don't want any earlier work items (& change sets)).
Also, do I need to perform 'Load' once the component is replaced with 'Baseline'.
Thanks for you help!
Accepted answer
Replacing the baseline of the component on the stream or workspace will not remove any information from the work item or changesets in that component. This will all remain in history and the work items you associated with those changesets will still show links.
If you would like to start fresh it sounds as though it may be best to create a new component in that project area and move the original component and work items to another private PA.
If you would like to start fresh it sounds as though it may be best to create a new component in that project area and move the original component and work items to another private PA.