Load rule was ignored during the build
<teamFetch repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}"
But the whole workspace was extracted from RTC regardless of history.loadrule. I wonder whether I missed something.
Accepted answer
Thank you, David, for the response. But there are so many components and projects in the workspace. It would be a maintenance nightmare to keep excluding the new components as they are created.
Based on the following doc, loadRulesByPath and loadRulesByUUID should be supported.
Based on the following doc, loadRulesByPath and loadRulesByUUID should be supported.
If components are never to be built, you could avoid having them in the build workspace all together. You would need to add a scoped flow target so that the components are not re-accepted into the build workspace.
Well, our build runs quite a while. Once the build starts, it takes a snapshot of the workspace and run the build with it. But something may changed during the build which we want to pick up. So we want to use this loadrule to reload a specific project to get the latest content during the build. Since there are so many components in the workspace and the containing project of the project has many other projects, the "components to exclude" list doesn't work well for us.
If I take it correctly, loadrule is not supported in the teamfetch ant task yet (you may want the doc to be updated). I wonder whether there is a solution for my scenario.
One other answer