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Can adapters be reserved for specific users?

Una Ramsay (1101918) | asked Jun 07 '11, 2:24 a.m.
When running auto tests with RFT, the adapter must be selected for each test at run time. Is there any way of tying a particular adapter to a given user?

It is too easy to select the wrong adapter and run on the wrong machine


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Kurtis Martin (1.4k11) | answered Jun 08 '11, 12:03 p.m.
When running auto tests with RFT, the adapter must be selected for each test at run time. Is there any way of tying a particular adapter to a given user?

It is too easy to select the wrong adapter and run on the wrong machine


You can't tie an individual adapter to a specific user, however the user should be able to use RQM's lab management function to reserve the machine that the adapter is running on. This way, when the select adapter dialog comes up when starting a run, no other user will see adapters on a machine that has been reserved by someone else. I'm not greatly familiar with the lab management function, but I know the "select adapter" dialog doesn't how adapters on a reserved machine unless you are the one that reserved that machine. Here are some links on the LM function:

Also, this reminds me of a enhancement request where some testers would like to tie an automated test script to the machine from which it was originally referenced from. That way when ever any user goes to run that script, the default will always select the adapter from which it was imported.

That request is here:

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