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Migration from simple team process to Scrum

Narayanan Potti (27037679) | asked Apr 22 '11, 3:19 p.m.
My environment is on RTC iFix 2 installed on Windows server 2003 SP2.

We started with RTC by creating a project using simple team process. I have three workitem types that are heavily customized for our requirements. There are nearly 15 development streams and about 45 users in RTC currently.

The project manager wants to use Scrum going forward to manage the project. I would like to know if it's possible to migrate a project of this size from simple team process to Scrum. If yes, can some one point me to the location where I can get detailed steps to migrate the process. In RTC 2.0 infocenter it gives the steps for process migration when there are no customized workitem types, it would be a straight copy-paste of the process configuration source from Scrum over to this project. I don't think that will work for my environment.

Any help is greatly aprpeciated.

Thank You

One answer

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Shivank Arya (19141) | answered Apr 28 '11, 3:05 a.m.
Hi Narayanan,

This topic tells how to add the features to a template and then how to change a project to use the new template.

In general, moving a project to a new template is a non-trivial operation. If you have made changes to the process configuration since you created the project area from the template, you will need to merge the current process configuration source with the process configuration source in the template. This is a manual merge of XML and there is little tooling built into Jazz to find logical errors.

Hope it helps.

Jazz Development Team

My environment is on RTC iFix 2 installed on Windows server 2003 SP2.

We started with RTC by creating a project using simple team process. I have three workitem types that are heavily customized for our requirements. There are nearly 15 development streams and about 45 users in RTC currently.

The project manager wants to use Scrum going forward to manage the project. I would like to know if it's possible to migrate a project of this size from simple team process to Scrum. If yes, can some one point me to the location where I can get detailed steps to migrate the process. In RTC 2.0 infocenter it gives the steps for process migration when there are no customized workitem types, it would be a straight copy-paste of the process configuration source from Scrum over to this project. I don't think that will work for my environment.

Any help is greatly aprpeciated.

Thank You

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