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An unexpected error has occurred

Beery Holstein (1855) | asked Apr 20 '11, 9:50 a.m.

Immediately after submitting an asset I'm getting the following:

Network server name:nc-ramCell01/nc-ramNode01/ramServer2
An unexpected error has occurred.
Specific details regarding this error have been recorded in ramDebug.log file with the following ID: 53E74368-7C74-40B1-E6F2-D0352DAECBCD

Please advise.


5 answers

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Apr 20 '11, 11:43 a.m.

You are running into this defect.

The basic problem is that you copied some text from an application (like power point or word) and pasted it into the asset title or short description field. This accidentally copied an unusual character (0xb, a vertical tab in your case) and the server is failing to parse this character.

As a workaround, first copy your text into notepad and delete the vertical tab (you'll probably see a box character) and then paste it into the title field.

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Beery Holstein (1855) | answered Apr 20 '11, 3:15 p.m.
Yes, that was it.

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Beery Holstein (1855) | answered May 13 '11, 2:43 a.m.

Followed the steps for a different submission and I'm getting a similar(?) error

Network server name:nc-ramCell01/nc-ramNode01/ramServer1
An unexpected error has occurred.
Specific details regarding this error have been recorded in ramDebug.log file with the following ID: DA8EED0E-BE13-EDC9-3812-8F0DF8286319


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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered May 13 '11, 11:22 a.m.

Any unexpected error needs to be handled through the repository admin to
RAM support. For support the message "unexpected error" is completely

The reason it is there is for security reasons. By default RAM should
not be exposing the internal information to anyone other than the repos
admin, and these kinds of errors usually include internal information.
So RAM tells the user the ID of the error (that long combination of
characters and numbers). The user is supposed to turn this ID over to
the repos admin. The admin would then look in the logs to find that
error ID and see what the actual error is. The admin would then
determine if it can be handled by the admin or if it should be turned
over to support.

Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered May 13 '11, 12:56 p.m.

Followed the steps for a different submission and I'm getting a similar(?) error

Network server name:nc-ramCell01/nc-ramNode01/ramServer1
An unexpected error has occurred.
Specific details regarding this error have been recorded in ramDebug.log file with the following ID: DA8EED0E-BE13-EDC9-3812-8F0DF8286319


There was a bug in the M1 build on the server you were using that was preventing new assets from showing up in the repository. This has been patched on the server and you should now see version 4.0 of your asset.

The error message was showing up because you were trying to create version 4.0 of your asset when version 4.0 already existed. A more helpful error message should have been displayed. I've opened a defect to address the issue.

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