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Migration of new lifecycle through various environments

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Apr 23 '13, 11:37 a.m.


We created a new workflow/lifecycle in RTC, bound the workflow and were able to successfully view it in Rational Asset Manager. This was done in Development Environment.

We would like to migrate this new lifecycle to all our remaining environments - QA, Staging and ultimately Production.

Please can you advise the steps we should take to achieve this?

Thanks in advance,


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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered Apr 23 '13, 2:57 p.m.
Hi Sripriya,

If I understood your question correctly, you have done some WorkItem customization and now want to export and import the customized WI workflows in other environments. You may want to look at Importing and exporting process templates.
Then you can integrate RTC with RAM the same way you did as I would guess your RAM servers will also differ for Staging and prod environments.

Gili Mendel commented Apr 29 '13, 12:17 p.m.

Note that this is on the template only (not data/workitems created for existing workflows).

Also, not sure that you can "update" existing project with a template.

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