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Question about "accumulating Estimates"

James Labrie (18123818) | asked Apr 19 '11, 6:51 a.m.

I have a question about how to accumulate estimates.

According to the article below, following this is mentioned.
In order to define the notion of work, the sum of all work item estimates is used instead of the bare number of work items.

Is there no way to accumulate Estimates based on the bare number of work items?

If there is any good idea, please let me know.

2 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 19 '11, 9:58 p.m.
You can give every work item the same estimate value.

Just for interest's sake, why would you want to base your estimate total
on the number of work items, instead of based on the actual estimates
for the work items?


On 4/19/2011 6:53 AM, jamesla wrote:

I have a question about how to accumulate estimates.

According to the article below, following this is mentioned.
In order to define the notion of work, the sum of all work item
estimates is used instead of the bare number of work items.

Is there no way to accumulate Estimates based on the bare number of
work items?

If there is any good idea, please let me know.

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James Labrie (18123818) | answered Apr 20 '11, 5:27 a.m.
Hi Geoff

Thank you for your answer :)
This might be my misunderstanding about the concept of estimate...

Please forget about this question.

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