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difference between snapshot and baseline

mehul Prajapati (18125554) | asked Jul 08 '11, 1:25 p.m.
What is the difference between snapshot and Baseline ?

While create a baseline should not it be created on a stream instead of creating in workspace component ?

When we create baseline on workspace component does it basically baselines the source version in the workspace ? and than we need to deliver the baseline to be available on the stream ?

Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 08 '11, 10:22 p.m.
A snapshot is just a set of baselines (each baseline from a different
component). It's what ClearCase would call a "composite baseline".

You can snapshot the state of either a workspace or a stream, whichever
you prefer. That will automatically create baselines when needed,
i.e., when the current configuration of a component in that
workspace/stream is not currently captured in a baseline.

So yes, when you create a baseline on a workspace component, it
baselines the source versions currently selected by the workspace from
that component.

Once it is created, you can use a snapshot or baseline anywhere you want
(i.e. it is not in any way "tied" to the workspace or stream on which it
was created).

It is true that the "deliver" operation from a workspace to a stream
also causes baselines in that workspace to show up in baseline history
of the stream. Some folks (like me :-) believe that the "deliver"
operation should only deliver change sets, and not baselines, because of
the confusion that can occur when the baseline history in the workspace
and stream have diverged. (In particular, I'd prefer that you would
just explicitly create baselines in a stream when you want them). One
advantage of this approach is that snapshots and baselines would have
consistent semantics (currently, baselines are affected by a deliver
operation, but snapshots are not). A work item that requests this
change is work item 85458. A less drastic change would be one that
allows you to declare that a baseline is "personal" and should not be a
candidate for delivery (work item 22106).


On 7/8/2011 1:38 PM, mehulnp wrote:
What is the difference between snapshot and Baseline ?

While create a baseline should not it be created on a stream instead
of creating in workspace component ?

When we create baseline on workspace component does it basically
baselines the source version in the workspace ? and than we need to
deliver the baseline to be available on the stream ?
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Bryan Miller - Integration Developer commented Apr 08 '14, 11:33 a.m.

For clarification, is there any constraint that those component baselines which comprise the snapshot are required to be on the same stream or in the same project area?

2 other answers

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Larry McCarthy (2102224) | answered Jul 08 '11, 2:50 p.m.
What is the difference between snapshot and Baseline ?

You baseline components, while they are in a workspace. The baseline(s) are included with the change sets you deliver to a stream. You can create a snapshot of the baselines of a bunch of components.

While create a baseline should not it be created on a stream instead of creating in workspace component ?

Nope. That's not how it works. :o

When we create baseline on workspace component does it basically baselines the source version in the workspace ? and than we need to deliver the baseline to be available on the stream ?


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Vaibhav S (106353) | answered Jan 29 '19, 11:55 p.m.


I have a similar question.

I run the snapshot diff, to get all the work items for the release notes which changed between two versions. This is working quite good, but if we are adding new components we will not get any change set, just the information that it is a new component. <u5:p> </u5:p> <o:p> </o:p>

I need to get a list of all the work items from initial creation of component till the baseline from the snapshot.

<u5:p> </u5:p>

Any idea how to get it. Please let me know.


<u5:p> </u5:p>

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 30 '19, 2:41 a.m.

If you want answers, ask your own question please. Don't answer an 8 year old question. 

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