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Problem cofiguring JTS for Oracle

Paul Bodiam (2651) | asked Apr 06 '11, 12:30 p.m.
Hi There

We're trying to set up RTC 3 on a Windows 2008 server with Oracle 11g.
When going through the configuration wizard to set up the database, we click on "Test Connection" and it returns error ID CRJAZ1508W with Oracle error:

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor The Connection descriptor used by the client was: localhost:1521:orcl

So, where is this connection descriptor coming from? Our SID should be "JTSDB", not ORCL. We can see in TNSNAMES.ORA that there is an entry for JTSDB.

We have tried setting an explicit environment value for ORACLE_SID but this makes no difference.

Any ideas gratefully received.


6 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 06 '11, 2:53 p.m.
Hi There

We're trying to set up RTC 3 on a Windows 2008 server with Oracle 11g.
When going through the configuration wizard to set up the database, we click on "Test Connection" and it returns error ID CRJAZ1508W with Oracle error:

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor The Connection descriptor used by the client was: localhost:1521:orcl

So, where is this connection descriptor coming from? Our SID should be "JTSDB", not ORCL. We can see in TNSNAMES.ORA that there is an entry for JTSDB.

We have tried setting an explicit environment value for ORACLE_SID but this makes no difference.

Any ideas gratefully received.


Hi Paul

The connection info is stored in files in the /ccm and /jts directories (there will be two files). Check the settings in those files.

Also check the version of the JBDC driver very carefully on your server - it must match the version specified in the installation notes.



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Paul Bodiam (2651) | answered Apr 06 '11, 4:39 p.m.

The connection info is stored in files in the /ccm and /jts directories (there will be two files). Check the settings in those files.

We have already checked (and configured) these files . The installation guide is misleading in this area, instructing us to comment out the DERBY lines and uncomment the Oracle lines - there are no commented-out Oracle lines in the files.
We cannot find any reference to "localhost:1521:orcl" in either of the files.

Also check the version of the JBDC driver very carefully on your server - it must match the version specified in the installation notes.

Yes, we also stumbled in to this one: in the Oracle 11g installation we are using, there are two files called ojdbc5.jar in different folders - one with a 2010 timestamp and one with a 2009 timestamp. we assumed the later one to be right, but this gave us a different error when attempting to test the connection, telling us that it couldn't find the Oracle jdbc driver at all! When we switched to the 2009 file, that problem was solved, but then we started getting the ORA-12505 error that we are now struggling with.

Any more suggestions are welcome.....


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 06 '11, 6:46 p.m.

The connection info is stored in files in the /ccm and /jts directories (there will be two files). Check the settings in those files.

We have already checked (and configured) these files . The installation guide is misleading in this area, instructing us to comment out the DERBY lines and uncomment the Oracle lines - there are no commented-out Oracle lines in the files.
We cannot find any reference to "localhost:1521:orcl" in either of the files.

Also check the version of the JBDC driver very carefully on your server - it must match the version specified in the installation notes.

Yes, we also stumbled in to this one: in the Oracle 11g installation we are using, there are two files called ojdbc5.jar in different folders - one with a 2010 timestamp and one with a 2009 timestamp. we assumed the later one to be right, but this gave us a different error when attempting to test the connection, telling us that it couldn't find the Oracle jdbc driver at all! When we switched to the 2009 file, that problem was solved, but then we started getting the ORA-12505 error that we are now struggling with.

Any more suggestions are welcome.....


Have you used the "dynamic" installation guide - this should give you step by step instructions on the setup? Watch out for the charset and users permissions - easy to have the wrong values.

Then try the JDBC driver - and use something else to connect to the database to check the driver really does work with your settings.

Talking to some Oracle DBA's recently - they wanted me to use a long connection string, but you really need to use the one that the setup web pages create.

Also - what hostname are you using - the error message you pasted references "localhost". You do need a full hostname (eg: that will resolve correctly.

Did you run the IM programme using "Run As Administrator"? If not - uninstall - remove the directories that get left behind so RTC is completely removed from your machine and install again.

Finally - assuming you have no data in the RTC repository (yet) - try rerunning setup again and this might correct the problem.

If none of this helps - keep asking. I have worked with a few customers who use Oracle so I know it works just fine - just a case of getting the setup correct. Database settings can be tricky - esp if you are using an existing database where the settings and logins/permissions are not something you control - and the DBA's are really careful about what you do with their databases (quite rightly so).


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Chethna Shenoy (3644) | answered Apr 08 '11, 3:41 a.m.
Hi Paul,
I am not sure which application server you are using here. If it is Websphere Application Server then you need to specify the custom property ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE. Please specify the complete path JazzInstallDir\server\oracle\ojdbc14.jar. Eg. C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\oracle\ojdbc14.jar. Ensure that the separator is \ not /.

Chethna Shenoy

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Apr 08 '11, 4:08 a.m.
I have been working with Paul offline. One of the things we have noticed is that when installing on Windows Server 2008 or Windows7 - you should not install into the "virtual" directory c:\program files (x86). This seems to cause problems later - and there is a warning from Installation Manager if you try to do this. We also started IM using the "Run As Administrator" option from Windows.

Paul has RTC up and running - he switched to DB2 and it all works now. Oracle works with RTC (I have several major customers using RTC with ORacle) but in this case - the group had more experience with DB2 so it seemed safer.


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John Williams (7358) | answered Apr 30 '11, 9:43 p.m.
I ran into the same issue. I am using Oracle 11g and have set up everything according to the proper recommendations (oracle directory with ojdbc5 file, environment variable created, etc...). I am installing a fully distributed enterprise scenario with the Oracle server on machine 1, JTS on machine 2, CCM on machine 3, QM on #4 and RM on #5. I encountered this error when setting up the JTS.

Typically, I had used the following as my connection string:

I received a similar connection message that the TNS:listener could not connect because the service was unknown...

To resolve, I used the following string:

Just in case this helps anyone get through this in the future...

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