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Work Item attribute customization on specific workflow state

Timo Wolf (61165) | asked Apr 05 '11, 4:57 a.m.

is it possible to make existing fields mandatory, depending on the work flow state.

Simple example:
I added a state Assigned. The work item owner shall be selected when selecting the state Assigned. Otherwise the tool shall prevent the user from changing to the Assigned state.

Is this possible?
If yes, how?

Thanks a lot.

Best, Timo

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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Apr 05 '11, 7:00 a.m.

is it possible to make existing fields mandatory, depending on the work flow state.

Simple example:
I added a state Assigned. The work item owner shall be selected when selecting the state Assigned. Otherwise the tool shall prevent the user from changing to the Assigned state.

Is this possible?
If yes, how?

Thanks a lot.

Best, Timo

It is possible to do this. Open the process configuration in the eclipse client and go to: Team Configuration -> Operation Behaviour then find the Work Items -> Save Work Item (server) operation.

Next, add a Required Properties precondition and find the work item you want to configure in the pane on the right. Expand the work item, and you should see all of the states for that work item. You should be able to edit each of the states to configure what properties are required for that state.

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