Can not setup a CLM project area in cloud.
One answer
Interesting! Worked when I tried it from my iPad using Safari!
It also worked for me with Firefox ESR 38.3.
We have a controlled configuration on our workstations, not allowing us to load other software. We are running Internet Explorer 10. Does anyone know how to get IE 10 to work?
We also have a controlled configuration on our workstations, currently with IE 10.
When I did the setup using iPad Safari, there was a pop-up window where I was asked to make some selections that seems to be what is not working with IE 10.
However, once setup, I can access my new Project using IE 10 from my workstation, so using an alternate method for new Project creation is a possible workaround for you.
Howard Stein
Oct 16 '15, 10:36 p.m.Same problem: => Products => Continuous Engineering => Try in the Cloud
Takes me to "Create your own project" at
I am logged in with a valid Profile.
I check the box "I agree", and click on "Create My Project"
Replaces lower area with "One Moment" and a multi-striped bar, then after 1-2 seconds returns to the same "Create your own project" again.
Using Internet Explorer 10.