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RRC usage stats

Jason Batliner (66186) | asked Mar 01 '11, 1:45 p.m.
Is there a way to get concurrent usage information from RRC when utilizing Named User Licenses? I can get this type of information from RTC and RQM when running with Floating licensees but I have not been able to find the similar data for RRC.

Is there an RSS feed, a report or anything else that I can derive the number of users that are in the system in a given day?

Thanks in advance!

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Mar 01 '11, 9:18 p.m.
Is there a way to get concurrent usage information from RRC when utilizing Named User Licenses? I can get this type of information from RTC and RQM when running with Floating licensees but I have not been able to find the similar data for RRC.

Is there an RSS feed, a report or anything else that I can derive the number of users that are in the system in a given day?

Thanks in advance!

By using a filter to show the changes since a given date you can see what artifacts have changed and by whom but I don't know of way of showing those users who have logged in to access the RRC contents.

I suggest raising an enhancement work item to report on usage statistics.

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