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Verify newsgroup access

Philippe Krief (561255) | asked Feb 13 '07, 1:10 p.m.
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can
access and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

48 answers

permanent link
Frank Lyner (91) | answered Apr 03 '07, 5:54 a.m.
Hi Philippe,

Checking access.


Philippe Krief schrieb:
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can
access and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

permanent link
David Brauneis (50611) | answered Apr 03 '07, 7:46 a.m.
Working fine for me.

David Brauneis
IBM Rational Build Forge Architecture & Development

Philippe Krief wrote:
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can
access and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

permanent link
Fredrik Ferm (6) | answered Apr 19 '07, 5:20 a.m.

It works for me...

/ Fredrik Ferm

permanent link
Samit Mehta (31103) | answered Apr 23 '07, 4:15 p.m.
Testing access

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Jan Vogel (21) | answered May 01 '07, 8:08 a.m.
A brief comment, I have access

Philippe Krief wrote:
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can
access and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

permanent link
Kai-Uwe Maetzel (85611) | answered May 01 '07, 2:42 p.m.

"Philippe Krief" <> wrote in message
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can access
and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

permanent link
Paula Cox (211) | answered May 03 '07, 2:50 p.m.
I can post
"Philippe Krief" <> wrote in message
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can access
and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

permanent link
James D'Anjou (20111511) | answered May 03 '07, 4:08 p.m.

permanent link
Dave Colasurdo (16) | answered May 04 '07, 4:57 p.m.
Works much better now!

user@domain.invalid wrote:
It worked!


Philippe Krief wrote:
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can
access and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

permanent link
Marcel Neuhausler (11) | answered May 14 '07, 11:47 a.m.
Philippe Krief wrote:
Please post a brief comment to this thread to confirm that you can
access and update the Jazz newsgroup thread.

Thank you,
Jazz Jumpstart Team

Access OK


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