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Need clarity on scm load

I need some clarity on using scm load. I'm trying to do something that I think should be very simple: load a workspace to a sandbox that isn't the current working directory.
What is the difference betwixt -d & -t? I've tried both & neither works.
$ lscm help load
Help on load
Load the contents of the specified workspace into the local filesystem. By default, the workspace is loaded into a subdirectory of the current working directory named the same as the provided workspace selector.
Usage: lscm load [options] <ws> [remote-path...]
ws-name - Workspace to load (name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo]).
remote-path - List of remote items to load, may be a component (name, alias, or UUID), or a remote path within a component.
--all - Selects all components. Priority is given to explicitely selected components in the case of a conflict.
--certificate arg - The file containing the user's login certificate.
--smartCard - Use the connected smart card for authentication.
-a [--alternative-name] arg - Alternative name for the item specified in remote-path.
-d [--dir] arg - Root directory to save files to.
-f [--force] - Overwrite files that already exist in the filesystem.
-i [--include-root] - Load component roots as directories in the filesystem.
-L [--local-rules] arg - Local path to load rules. Must be specified with exactly one component.
-P [--password] arg - Password for repository.
-q [--quiet] - Print the minimum of output during normal operation.
-r [--repository-uri] arg - URI specifying the location of repository.
-R [--remote-rules] arg - Path to the load rules within a component. Must be specified with exactly one component.
-t [--target] arg - Optional local path where changes should be loaded
-u [--username] arg - Username for repository.
What is the difference betwixt -d & -t? I've tried both & neither works.
$ lscm load -r philly --all -d localsb "Managed Build"
Problem running 'load':
Must load in sandbox root (/home/carej/sandbox/phillyscm). To load into a descendent specify the path with target. Try 'lscm help load' for more information.
$ lscm load -r philly --all -t localsb "Managed Build"
Problem running 'load':
Exactly one remote path selector must be specified when a local target is given. Try 'lscm help load' for more information.