How to export RTC v3.0 Dashboard (Widget content) into PDF file ?
I've created a Dashboard in RTC v3.0 using Widget option available in web version for defects statistics. I need to export the content of this dashboard into a PDF file to share it with client executives who do not have access to RTC. I've tried printing the dashboard into pdf using "Cute PDF Write" utility however the charts are not printed in the pdf generated. Could any one share information on how to export RTC v3.0 Dashboard (Widget content) into PDF file ?
4 answers
Google Chrome has an option to print to pdf that should work for you.
Google Chrome has an option to print to pdf that should work for you.
Thanks Lauren.
I will try in Google Chrome browser. We've RTC hosted in client dedicated network and only IE and Firefox browsers are installed in servers and tester desktops. In case we don't get approvals for Chrome installation, would you suggest any other work around on how to print RTC dashboard content into pdf file ?
I don't have any other pdf printer installed on my computer. Worst case is you could take screenshots of the graphs and do a pdf print of the rest of the dashboard widgets.
Using RTC 4.0.6, I have used Chrome to create(save - as) PDF, the charts do not get printed, only the shell of the widgets is shown.
Do I follow a different step to export the widgets?
We have the same need to use the widget for Executive reporting who don't have access to RTC. What is the best way to export or utilise the dashboard widgets to a presentation friendly format?