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Importing RPG source code into RTC SCM issues

Doug Piner (122) | asked Feb 08 '11, 9:52 a.m.
We are importing code into the SCM and all pgms starting with the character # are not importing. For example a pgm named #BEGIN01 will not import. Is there a setting to override this restriction????

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Feb 09 '11, 9:51 a.m.
We are importing code into the SCM and all pgms starting with the character # are not importing. For example a pgm named #BEGIN01 will not import. Is there a setting to override this restriction????

You can turn this off by going to the Windows/Preferences dialog, drilling down to the Team/Ignored Resources page and unchecking the #* pattern.

Hope this helps,

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