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Clicking the "Create a release..." link via Java A

Andrew Harmel-Law (14612218) | asked Oct 29 '10, 5:40 a.m.

I've written a Hudson plugin for RTC:

I'd love to add a feature (or a partner plugin) which lets you click a button in Hudson that turns the build result into a Release in RTC. I've looked at the Java API, and the Wiki, but can't see anything which seems to make this easy.

Can anyone out there point me in the right direction to get this to work?


Cheers, Andrew

2 answers

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Fernando Silva (8124) | answered Nov 29 '10, 11:44 a.m.
Use IWorkItemClient's createDeliverable and saveDeliverable methods.


I've written a Hudson plugin for RTC:

I'd love to add a feature (or a partner plugin) which lets you click a button in Hudson that turns the build result into a Release in RTC. I've looked at the Java API, and the Wiki, but can't see anything which seems to make this easy.

Can anyone out there point me in the right direction to get this to work?


Cheers, Andrew

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Andrew Harmel-Law (14612218) | answered Dec 01 '10, 4:21 a.m.
hi @fernd.fs

Thanks for the tip. I'll have a dig around these methods and see what I can find.

Kind regards.

Cheers, Andrew

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