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Losing personal dashboards

Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | asked Jan 31 '11, 6:48 p.m.

A customer is running a test RTC v3 on Linux (RHEL). They noticed that after installing custom plugins and having a few problems on the server (and running /jts/setup a few times) - they seem to lose the personal dashboards. It will be impossible to reproduce the conditions that got us to this state, but I thought it might be interesting to find out the following:

1) Where are the settings for personal dashboards kept - in the JTS or CCM part of RTC.
2) If you are using the /jazz context (because this was an upgrade) - same questions as above.
3) What resets the personal dashboard settings - does running /jts/setup do it or do you have to do something a bit more forceful?

many thanks


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