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Rich Work Item Functionality?

Garrett Rolfs (83189) | asked Jan 28 '11, 6:08 p.m.
There is an article on that provides an overview of RTC
features. Here's a link:

The article mentions "Rich Work Item Functionality" and shows an example
of an acceptance criteria field with content entered in wiki syntax. I
tried this in 3.0 and had no luck. The content that is displayed after
the story is saved is still plain-text, wiki syntax.

Is there a property that needs to be set to enable this?

Thank you,

-Garrett Rolfs

2 answers

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mortycia trokferroth (1731) | answered Mar 22 '11, 12:05 p.m.
Hi Garrett,

Maybe you miss something while changing the attribute type to Wiki?

I've tested this functionality and it works well except for one thing ... I am not able to inject images using the wikicreole syntax ; for example {{image.jpg}} and having "image.jpg" as an attachment to my work item.

Any idea?


permanent link
Case Taintor (1462116) | answered Jun 16 '11, 6:14 p.m.
You have to use the attachment id #. So, you need to say {{attachment 10}} assuming that image.jpg is attachment #10 on your work item

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