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Visual Studio 2013 compatibility with RTC 4.0.4

Gaurav Tapadkar (2713) | asked Jul 07 '14, 1:55 p.m.

We want to integrate RTC 4.0.4 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.

As per the below article, Visual Studio 2013 is supported in CLM v4.0.6 but we are currently on CLM v4.0.4 and want to know if it is compatible with 4.0.4 as well?

Reference article:

Accepted answer

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jul 07 '14, 2:07 p.m.
Gaurav Tapadkar selected this answer as the correct answer

Gaurav Tapadkar commented Jul 07 '14, 2:18 p.m.

 Thanks Tim, so can I find list of compatible RTC versions for Visual Studio 2013 in any article?

Tim Mok commented Jul 07 '14, 2:55 p.m.

4.0.5 introduced support for VS2013 and I haven't heard it losing support since then. I assume it would be supported up to latest so far (5.0).

Gaurav Tapadkar commented Jul 07 '14, 3:36 p.m.

That means in our case (4.0.4 version) we will not be able to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 unless we upgrade to RTC 4.0.5 + version.

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