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RBF Schedule job didn't run

Sonica Lieou-Jackson (15145) | asked Jan 27 '11, 3:14 p.m.
What would cause a scheduled job (build) to not start or run? We are running The help files states:

"When a scheduled job attempts to run, the system checks the job queue, the Run Limit property of the project and the Hard Run Limit system setting:

* If instances of the project are already running, but the project Run Limit has not been reached, the job runs.
* If instances of the project are already running and the project Run Limit has been reached, then the system setting Hard Run Limit is checked:
o If Hard Run Limit is N (the default), the job is queued.
o If Hard Run Limit is Y, then the job is not queued. This scheduled occurrence is skipped.

Does this mean if the project Run Limit has been reached it doesn't run? We do not have the Hard Run Limit set to Y.

We are planning our upgrade to 7.1.2, but does the application not log it somewhere when schedules do not start?


2 answers

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Robert haig (1.0k16) | answered Jan 27 '11, 3:51 p.m.
What would cause a scheduled job (build) to not start or run? We are running The help files states:

"When a scheduled job attempts to run, the system checks the job queue, the Run Limit property of the project and the Hard Run Limit system setting:

* If instances of the project are already running, but the project Run Limit has not been reached, the job runs.
* If instances of the project are already running and the project Run Limit has been reached, then the system setting Hard Run Limit is checked:
o If Hard Run Limit is N (the default), the job is queued.
o If Hard Run Limit is Y, then the job is not queued. This scheduled occurrence is skipped.

Does this mean if the project Run Limit has been reached it doesn't run? We do not have the Hard Run Limit set to Y.

We are planning our upgrade to 7.1.2, but does the application not log it somewhere when schedules do not start?


I don't recall that logged that it didn't start schedules anywhere other than stdout of the bfsched process if some debug flags are enabled from support. In any case you're going the right direction with 7.1.2. There were multiple improvements in schedule handling, manifest refreshes and server tests that make those systems more reliable and consume less resources.

I'd suggest which was just released.

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Sonica Lieou-Jackson (15145) | answered Jan 27 '11, 4:57 p.m.
Thank you for your response.

We will look to upgrade to


What would cause a scheduled job (build) to not start or run? We are running The help files states:

"When a scheduled job attempts to run, the system checks the job queue, the Run Limit property of the project and the Hard Run Limit system setting:

* If instances of the project are already running, but the project Run Limit has not been reached, the job runs.
* If instances of the project are already running and the project Run Limit has been reached, then the system setting Hard Run Limit is checked:
o If Hard Run Limit is N (the default), the job is queued.
o If Hard Run Limit is Y, then the job is not queued. This scheduled occurrence is skipped.

Does this mean if the project Run Limit has been reached it doesn't run? We do not have the Hard Run Limit set to Y.

We are planning our upgrade to 7.1.2, but does the application not log it somewhere when schedules do not start?


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