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Getting RQM infos using RQMCopyUtility

Sylvain LEQUEUX (2132728) | asked Nov 30 '10, 10:36 a.m.

I use RQMCopyUtility to access to the REST API.

My goal is to get all the informations of a testcase item, even the external links like "validateRequirements".

I tried to write a class to handle test cases. I wrote a class MyFactory which is a reduction of the class and provides my new handler. In this handler, the persist method is called, so I wrote the code here. I got a object.

The problem is that this class does not provide the validateRequirement links. I found another class in the source of RQMCopyUtility. However, this class is not used in all the classes in RQMCopyUtility.

My question is : how can I use this classes to get the information I need ?


One answer

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Dec 02 '10, 7:02 p.m.
The copy util is based off of the REST API. Check out what is supported in the REST API here:

Those objects you are looking at are the JAXB representations of the data supported in the REST API.

Unfortunately, IIRC the OSLC links are not supported in 2.X but should be present in 3.X.

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