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Team Build in RTCp - What's going wrong?

Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | asked Nov 16 '10, 2:48 a.m.

we are using RTCp 2.0 and RDp 7.6 on a I5 with V5R4 and WAS 6.1.

After requesting a TeamBuild with the following command

I receive the following BuildErrorLog:

2010-11-15 12:26:09 running on host: XXXXXXXXXX.COM
2010-11-15 12:26:09 Should build occur?
2010-11-15 12:26:09 Yes: Always build a user initiated request.
2010-11-15 12:26:10 Invoking pre-build participant ""
2010-11-15 12:26:10 CRTCI3502I: Accepting changes into workspace "UniCredit Leasing Hotfix Team Stream Workspace RTC Build" ...
2010-11-15 12:26:10 CRTCI3503I: Accepted change sets: 0. Discarded change sets: 0. Added components: 0. Removed components: 0.
2010-11-15 12:26:11 CRTCI3537I: Commands will run in job "100179/QUSER/QZRCSRVS" on host "XXXXXXXXXX.COM".
2010-11-15 12:26:11 Invoking build participant ""
2010-11-15 12:26:11 CRTCI3537I: Commands will run in job "100179/QUSER/QZRCSRVS" on host "XXXXXXXXXX.COM".
2010-11-15 12:26:11 CRTCI3547I: Running command CALL PGM(RTCILIB/IPREBUILD) PARM('LEAKFBA').
2010-11-15 12:26:14 CRTCI3549I: Running build on changed members and save files.
2010-11-15 12:26:15 CRTIC3540I: No previous snapshot found. Building all members and save files in workspace.

Bis hierher ist ja alles ganz normal, aber dann folgen mir unerklrliche Zeilen:

2010-11-15 12:26:24 CRTCI3547I: Running command CALL PGM(RTCILIB/RTCCOMPILE) PARM(LEA.KFBA .settings org LEAKFBA).
2010-11-15 12:26:24 Zeichen 'S' nach Zeichenfolge '. ' ist ungltig.
2010-11-15 12:26:24 Im Befehl ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
2010-11-15 12:26:24 CRTCI3532E: IBM i command "CALL PGM(RTCILIB/RTCCOMPILE) PARM(LEA.KFBA &F &N LEAKFBA)" failed.

Was habe ich wieder einmal falsch gemacht?????????

What's going wrong or have I a problem with my configuration in Team Concert?

Thanks for help in advance.

Kind Regards


5 answers

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Kushal Munir (126103) | answered Nov 16 '10, 8:19 p.m.
Andreas, I think this is causing the problem: "Zeichen 'S' nach Zeichenfolge '. ' ist ungltig." Do you know what the message means? Thanks.

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Kushal Munir (126103) | answered Nov 16 '10, 8:26 p.m.
The problem is probably the parameter called .settings in the call. Does the same call work using 5250?

Andreas, I think this is causing the problem: "Zeichen 'S' nach Zeichenfolge '. ' ist ungltig." Do you know what the message means? Thanks.

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Nov 17 '10, 5:40 a.m.
The problem is probably the parameter called .settings in the call. Does the same call work using 5250?

Andreas, I think this is causing the problem: "Zeichen 'S' nach Zeichenfolge '. ' ist ungltig." Do you know what the message means? Thanks.


my problem is, that I don't know, where this command is build:
2010-11-15 12:26:24 CRTCI3547I: Running command CALL PGM(RTCILIB/RTCCOMPILE) PARM(LEA.KFBA .settings org LEAKFBA).

I only want to compile sourcemembers of the library XXX where tthe sourcefiles beginn with Q*. I don't have source members on system-i beginning with '.' because this is not allowed on system-i.

I think this may be in the run-time environment of RTCp but I don't know how to fix this problem.

Thanks for help

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Kevin Doyle (60425) | answered Nov 17 '10, 12:42 p.m.
Hi Andreas,

It appears that you are using the IBM i Command Build Definition. Can you confirm that your IBM i Projects are using the Command build style? You can check this by right clicking on your IBM i Projects, selecting Properties, then selecting i Project Build. The active build style should be set to Command.

Can you also post or send me screenshots for each of the tabs of your IBM i Command Build Definition? Most important is the Command - IBM i tab.

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Nov 20 '10, 2:23 a.m.
Hi Kevin,

thank's for your answer, I will send you the required information on Monday 22.11.2010.

If you need further information, please can you get in contact with me via mail?

Kind regards

Hi Andreas,

It appears that you are using the IBM i Command Build Definition. Can you confirm that your IBM i Projects are using the Command build style? You can check this by right clicking on your IBM i Projects, selecting Properties, then selecting i Project Build. The active build style should be set to Command.

Can you also post or send me screenshots for each of the tabs of your IBM i Command Build Definition? Most important is the Command - IBM i tab.

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