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component, stream, team/project area membership inheritance behavior

Karthikeyan Narayanan (2636) | asked Apr 18 '17, 11:25 p.m.

Hello, Please verify if my understanding is correct with regard to component (owner,visibility), stream (owner,visibility), project/team area membership inheritance behaviors.

1. Component ownership provides the governing process area that controls the component's configuration. This is computed by checking if relevant permission exists from the governing process area (or its inherited parent process area) provided membership exists at the governing process area.

2. Component visibility provides the process area hierarchy that allows read access to it. This means any member of its process area or its child team areas can read/see it.

3. Stream ownership provides the governing process area that controls the stream's configuration. This is computed by checking if relevant permission exists from the governing process area (or its inherited parent process area) provided membership exists at the governing process area.

4. Stream visibility provides the process area hierarchy that allows read access to it.  This means any member of its process area or its child team areas can read/see it.

5. Project/ team area membership does not implicitly flow down the team hierarchy. It appears as though it does thru role/permissions however the membership itself does not.

Please advise. Thanks

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Apr 19 '17, 3:08 a.m.

 Please see for the SCM questions. SCM is only loosely tied to a project area. Since 6.0.x visibility on component and file level has been greatly enhanced. It is now possible to limit visibility to content much more fine grained. 

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