Repository Connection Validation
4 answers
I would start by checking the jazz.log and rdm.log files on the server to see if there is any more meaningful information there. You might also check the client-side .log file to see if there's more there, but I think the server more likely is the place to check.
the link https://rrc:9443/jazz is working fine on the browser. but when I give https://rrc:9443/rdm I am getting the following error.
"Response: 500Internal Server ErrorCRJZS0033E Invalid consumer key. The consumer may not be registered."
can you tell me what has to be done? meanwhile i will get the errors from the log file.
Maybe we should backup a second. Can who give me some context or historical information? Is this a new server install and you're trying to connect for the first time or is this an install that had been working and suddenly stopped?
Quick question: I am assuming that this is RRC V2, and that when you ran the setup you ran
After disabling pop-up blockers, point your Web browser to the following URL: https://:9443/rdm/setup
as described in this help
and not
URL: https://:9443/
I ask because the second URL will only setup the jazz sever and not the RRC fronting server application that uses the jazz server. The first URL is needed to setup both.