RTC 4.0.1: How can we automatically create component baseline in Jazz Build?
I realized that the Jazz Source Control build engine and definition do not have the option to create component baseline and deliver them. It does have the option to create snapshot and assign the owner to the flow target.
One option is to call SCM command line inside ANT script to do the baseline creation. However, it sound better to have the build engine/definition provide the option to do so.
BTW, I did not find a jazz ANT task to create component baseline, either. The only option is via SCM command line.
Is there already an enhancement work item for this? Or I missed something? Tips are appreciated.
Thanks and regards
2 answers
Hi Tim,
It is weird. After logged off and logged in on another computer, I now see the newly created baseline for the component with new changesets. I will give it more try to see if I have to logout/login to see the new baselines. I recall I did "refresh" on the component. I will try that first after a new build with new changes.