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Unwanted irrelevant Mentions is added automatically by RTC

Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | asked Oct 01 '10, 4:27 p.m.
It is a great feature that any MentionedBy link is automatically added when one work item is mentioned in another one.

We have mny teams hosted on the same RTC server and from time to time we received notification that one work item is mentioned by another one in a differen team and completely unrelevant to either other.

We dig into this and find that the link can be added if you just mention a number happen to be the same as a work item ID or a phrase like "item 8", then a MentionedBy link will be created.

This is a little too much and created many completly irrelevant links between work items havingnothing to do with each other.

Has this been raised before as a bug?

We are on and it is still with us.

Heather Linsk commented Feb 08 '17, 9:17 a.m.

 Does anyone know if there is a workaround for this?

4 answers

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John S F Lander (901942) | answered Feb 28 '11, 7:42 a.m.
It is a great feature that any MentionedBy link is automatically added when one work item is mentioned in another one.

We have mny teams hosted on the same RTC server and from time to time we received notification that one work item is mentioned by another one in a differen team and completely unrelevant to either other.

We dig into this and find that the link can be added if you just mention a number happen to be the same as a work item ID or a phrase like "item 8", then a MentionedBy link will be created.

This is a little too much and created many completly irrelevant links between work items havingnothing to do with each other.

Has this been raised before as a bug?

We are on and it is still with us.

We are having the same issue of irelevant and would be interested if there are restrictions of its use could be put in per Project Area and key words ?

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Claire Sandbothe (4666) | answered May 11 '11, 10:29 a.m.
I have also seen this behavior on the igartc03 server. Someone please let us know that this bug is recorded and in plan sometime?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 13 '11, 1:44 a.m.
You can control this to some extent by removing the "alias" values for
work item types in your Process Configuration Data.

But you cannot remove the automatic link creation for the work item type
name. I've submitted work item 165783 to give the user control over this.


On 10/1/2010 4:37 PM, ghu wrote:
It is a great feature that any MentionedBy link is automatically added
when one work item is mentioned in another one.

We have mny teams hosted on the same RTC server and from time to time
we received notification that one work item is mentioned by another
one in a differen team and completely unrelevant to either other.

We dig into this and find that the link can be added if you just
mention a number happen to be the same as a work item ID or a phrase
like "item 8", then a MentionedBy link will be created.

This is a little too much and created many completly irrelevant links
between work items havingnothing to do with each other.

Has this been raised before as a bug?

We are on and it is still with us.

permanent link
Sian O'Briain (351021) | answered Oct 29 '15, 7:38 a.m.
This solution will not work for me because it would appear that you have to modify the individual work items after changing the alias before it will remove the link. If I do a bulk update/save then this will generate unwanted emails.

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