how to make a textbox mandatory on "Picker Enumeration list"
I have the below script to make a textbox REQUIRED, if the value=other from a picker enumeration list is "other", but its not working. The custom attribute id is "reason_for_request1" and the literal is "reason_for_request.literal.l12"
(function() {
var WorkItemAttributes =;
dojo.declare("org.example.workitems.providers.ProjReco", null, {
matches: function(workItem, configuration) {
var relnote = workItem.getValue("reason_for_request1");
return (relnote === "reason_for_request.literal.l12"); // Other
I have similar conditional script working for dropdown enumeration (not multiselect). Does it mean that this conditional script doesn't work with Picker Enumeration?
Please let me know what's wrong with the script...
Don Yang
May 29 '15, 2:58 a.m.picker or checkbox enumeration can be multiple values hence you may need to use Array to pick up the value.
you may check with for more details and debugging tips on enumeration list values.