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How can I get the active users list in RTC

Rachel Wei (76192) | asked Sep 24 '10, 2:48 p.m.
I have around 400 active users on my RTC server, half of them have been granted developer license, now I need to get the list of all active users and all users with developer licenses being granted. It's better in excel format.

Can anyone help me?

5 answers

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Oct 04 '10, 9:42 a.m.
I have around 400 active users on my RTC server, half of them have been granted developer license, now I need to get the list of all active users and all users with developer licenses being granted. It's better in excel format.

Can anyone help me?

see the repotools. It has a means to export users into a CSV text file.

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Robert Carter (42928789) | answered Nov 05 '10, 8:47 a.m.
I have around 400 active users on my RTC server, half of them have been granted developer license, now I need to get the list of all active users and all users with developer licenses being granted. It's better in excel format.

Can anyone help me?

see the repotools. It has a means to export users into a CSV text file.

I have seen the command -listLicenses, but this only lists the "type" of license installed not active users. What option in the repotools are you referring that will generate this csv file?

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Nov 05 '10, 9:58 a.m.
Well, I've not found a way to export what one can see on the "Acquired Licenses" page under User Administration.

I have around 400 active users on my RTC server, half of them have been granted developer license, now I need to get the list of all active users and all users with developer licenses being granted. It's better in excel format.

Can anyone help me?

see the repotools. It has a means to export users into a CSV text file.

I have seen the command -listLicenses, but this only lists the "type" of license installed not active users. What option in the repotools are you referring that will generate this csv file?

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long TRUONG (3654123147) | answered Oct 05 '16, 8:06 p.m.
edited Oct 05 '16, 8:17 p.m.
 I am about to adopt this procedure to get the current active user list for metrics (quick ideas are solicited to do it better and more effective, so are critics of holes in the process):
  • Find the file floatingLicenseLogFile.csv, let's say for now that you only have 1 such file in your <installDir>\Teamserver\Server\logs (there are quirks like at our site where we have more than 1 such file in various dirs)
  • All CLM license leases are recorded in this file, with type of license (hence which app RTC, RRC, or RQM), and userID leased out to.
  • Simple to find out all users ever active within any period of time within the min and max times in this file: All you need is a sort unique of userID:
    • per app
    • or per license type
    • within the time period of concern
  • However if current active user list is your target, that may be highly inaccurate, as this list would contain archived users, even departed ones, who were at least once active. 
  • So for current users list you would need to match the above users list with the users currently assigned to any license of the app or the type of concern. At our shop, it is simpler, as we only have floating licenses, RTC contributor and RRC Analyst.
  • We do recognize that there may be some inaccuracy when a user use RTC contributor license to read RRC artifacts or when one use RRC Analyst license to work with RTC WI (we only use WI, change management on RTC). 
  • If we need that granularity we will have to find out if we can use the Operation Id column and if that OpID is unique to one app.
  • The quirks which would produce more than 1 floatingLicenseLogFile.csv file:
    • When you upgrade CLM to a new version
    • When you modify logs path in the log4j files.
    • When you keep switching running with the Tomcat service or the commandline server.startup.bat, at our site:
      • the former put the the csv file in <installDir>\Teamserver\Server\Tomcat\bin
      • the latter in <installDir>\Teamserver\Server\logs
      • And we keep switching vack and forth between the two.
      • We have finally switched to WAS from Tomcat so our csv is now in <installDir>\Teamserver\Server\logs
      • When the csv is longer than about 64000 (more or lesst), it would be trim to that limit when converted to xls or xlsx, you need to split the csv to more than 1 files, sort unique first by app first before combine them back together for the final sort unique.

long TRUONG commented Oct 06 '16, 2:31 p.m.

 After team discussion, we decided just a simple baseline of all inclusive active users between Oct 1st 2015 and Sept 30th 2016, with weekly new user and removed user lists: THis requires only a sort unique of UserID within the desired period

long TRUONG commented Oct 07 '16, 6:30 p.m.

 Did not find any data after the switch of Application Server to WAS, thought it would have been collected in <installdir>\Teamserver\Server\logs\floatingLicenseLogFile.csv; but they were not.

Licensing/Reports, using floatingLicenseLogFile.csv as source, still showed License usage for that period: Found the csv file for that period with WAS in

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long TRUONG (3654123147) | answered Oct 06 '16, 4:04 p.m.
edited Oct 06 '16, 4:14 p.m.
 For the second part 

Go to the License Key Managament page  with 
Then click on the number of license at Developer license row and Assigned column, to get the static list of users with Developer licenses.

One can also go there by the direct link, we don't have any Developer license to have an active link there but it would be similar to the list for the one for users with Contributor - Floating License:

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