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scm.sh returns "you are not running on J9"

I installed the mac incubator for RTC 2.x. I edited scm.sh to point to the JVM installed on my machine but when I execute I get:
Cessna210:/jazz/scmtools/eclipse> ./scm.sh list workspaces -r https://rtc20.ca.com:9443/jazz
The IBM Class Sharing Adaptor will not work in this configuration.
You are not running on J9.
Cessna210:/jazz/scmtools/eclipse> ./scm.sh list workspaces -r https://rtc20.ca.com:9443/jazz
The IBM Class Sharing Adaptor will not work in this configuration.
You are not running on J9.
One answer

I installed the mac incubator for RTC 2.x. I edited scm.sh to point to the JVM installed on my machine but when I execute I get:
Cessna210:/jazz/scmtools/eclipse> ./scm.sh list workspaces -r https://rtc20.ca.com:9443/jazz
The IBM Class Sharing Adaptor will not work in this configuration.
You are not running on J9.
Answer is that you also need to edit out the J9 (IBM JVM args)
-Xquickstart and -Xshareclasses in scm.sh