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Adding feeds to Firefox

Yasuo Nishiyama (2844) | asked Aug 11 '10, 9:32 a.m.
how can i use "Feed of current results" in firefox web browser ?
I only want a feed for Articles on RTC.

When I visited the following URL and chose "Feed of current results", the firefox browser just shows the xml.......

11 answers

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Seth Packham (1.4k42213) | answered Aug 24 '10, 5:17 p.m.
Hi, you just need to paste the feed URL into your preferred feed reader, for example Google Reader or RSSOwl or Mozilla Thunderbird.

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Steve Hines (6) | answered Oct 01 '10, 10:05 p.m.
An Ajax feed, like Google's Ajax could handle the feed if you're trying to put the dynamic content on the web, like a personal blog. Not sure exactly where you are going to put it. I'm a newbie coder and more of a designer, but I have used lots of customized Ajax viewers for various feeds before.

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Liz Edwards (6) | answered Oct 02 '10, 2:05 p.m.
Hi, you just need to paste the feed URL into your preferred feed reader, for example Google Reader or RSSOwl or Mozilla Thunderbird.

Thanks - I was looking for this myself.

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Martin Christensen (6) | answered Oct 03 '10, 3:08 p.m.
cool thx for the information

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John McCall (6) | answered Oct 03 '10, 3:28 p.m.
I was looking for this information too...Thanks for the tips. Google Reader works.. :P

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Evan Clark (6) | answered Oct 03 '10, 10:41 p.m.
how can i use "Feed of current results" in firefox web browser ?
I only want a feed for Articles on RTC.

When I visited the following URL and chose "Feed of current results", the firefox browser just shows the xml.......

You can find the answer at

Thanks that was a very useful link

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Andrew Rondeau (6) | answered Oct 04 '10, 9:30 a.m.
I was about to post the same question, good thing I searched through the forum, wouldn't want to post the same question, thanks for the answer!

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Lucky Balaraman (6) | answered Oct 04 '10, 12:50 p.m.
I was about to post the same question, good thing I searched through the forum, wouldn't want to post the same question, thanks for the answer!

Google Reader worked fine for me...

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William Lewis (6) | answered Oct 05 '10, 1:16 a.m.
Hey thanks,
You are such a great platform for many of us.
We share information and ask questions with your help.

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Joe Lyelz (11) | answered Oct 05 '10, 2:40 p.m.
how can i use "Feed of current results" in firefox web browser ?
I only want a feed for Articles on RTC.

When I visited the following URL and chose "Feed of current results", the firefox browser just shows the xml.......

You can find the answer at

Thanks that was a very useful link

AWESOME! Thanks for the information!

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