How to call java classes on save button in workitem page.
2 answers
Not sure what exactly you mean by "call java classes", hope following two docs help:
For Eclipse plugin development, there are numerous books available, and there is quite some information available on too. The same rules apply in the Jazz client and server plugin extensions.
I have used external Jars in plug ins in the past and I think the key was to carefully look at the plugin editor and locate the places where to add the Jars and classes to the plugin.xml (there are several places on several tabs) and the MANIFEST.MF and to make sure to include the classes into the jar that is generated contains the JAR's.
I have used external Jars in plug ins in the past and I think the key was to carefully look at the plugin editor and locate the places where to add the Jars and classes to the plugin.xml (there are several places on several tabs) and the MANIFEST.MF and to make sure to include the classes into the jar that is generated contains the JAR's.