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Follow-up for "Save Lab Resource" operation

Valerio Bellizia (122) | asked Jul 20 '10, 9:47 a.m.
Hi, I am not sure that this is the right forum to post this, if not, please move to the right one. This is my first post, please forgive me :)

I want the server to perform some stuff when I save a lab resource. I tried to write a follow-up like this

package example.resource;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;


public class SaveLabRes implements IOperationParticipant {

public void run(AdvisableOperation operation,
IProcessConfigurationElement participantConfig,
IParticipantInfoCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TeamRepositoryException {

// doing some stuff...

System.out.println("Hi man, you're saving a lab resource");


I deployed in my local server, and I restarted the server. I opened the RTC client and then I tried to add the follow-up to the "Save Lab Resource" operation behavior, but I cannot see it, nor in the Team Configuration section, nor in the Project Configuration one.
So I tried to add the follow-up by hand in the "Process Configuration Source" tab. I added these lines:


in the "behavior" section of the "team configuration".
Now I can see the follow-up in the Team Configuration section of the Process Configuration tab.
When I tried to save a lab resource nothing happens.

Best Regards

One answer

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Lorena Cortés (2654) | answered Aug 10 '11, 10:20 a.m.
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