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Import Change History into New RTC Repository?

bill compton (63) | asked Jul 15 '10, 11:26 a.m.
We are considering a transition from CC to RTC for a large C++ system (10K files, 3M lines). We don't want to lose the many, many years of change history (versions of files and comments on the changes). Can the files be imported from CC to RTC with change history imported as well? Thanks in advance!

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 15 '10, 11:34 p.m.
Currently, no ... but we are looking into it.
Importing the history of individual files is theoretically reasonably
straightforward ... but importing all potentially interesting
configurations cannot be done automatically, because of the
power/flexibility of ClearCase config specs.

What you can do in RTC-2.* (with the ClearCase Synchronizer) is import a
selected set of configurations, as indicated by a set of labels or


On 7/15/2010 11:38 AM, billcompton wrote:
We are considering a transition from CC to RTC for a large C++ system
(10K files, 3M lines). We don't want to lose the many, many years of
change history (versions of files and comments on the changes). Can
the files be imported from CC to RTC with change history imported as
well? Thanks in advance!

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