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'Synchronize Attribute' on an existing Work Item doesn't add the newly created custom attribute

Thibault Leclercq (9011013) | asked Mar 29 '13, 11:03 a.m.
Hi, I have created a custom (medium string) attribute, and I want to add it to all my existing open Work Items.

So in the RTC Eclipse client I run a query, pick one of the open Work Items, right click on the WI Type icon, and select 'Synchronize Attribute'. I see a quick progress bar appearing, so the client actually did something.

But when I check the Work Item in question (after a forced refresh), the attribute is not visible! If I try to synchronize the attribute again, no progress bar appears. If I click on the 'Check attribute usage in repository' link, RTC says that none of the existing Work Items contain my new attribute (I can't use the Synchronize all attributes button as I don't want to synchronize the closed Work Items).

Note that if I create a *new* Work Item, the new attribute will be visible, so it is not a Work Item presentation issue.

How can I get my custom attribute to appear on my existing open Work Items?

2 answers

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Apr 01 '13, 3:26 a.m.
what version of RTC are you using, is the attribute available for selecting as a query result column, are you able to modify the attribute from the query results

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SEC Servizi (97123860) | answered Nov 27 '13, 5:09 a.m.
If I try to synchronize the attribute again, no progress bar appears.
We are on RTC v2.0.0.2 and the same behaviour happened to us...
We found we have to force a project area save action from Eclipse UI to fire the custom attributes addiction. Only then the "Synchronize Attributes" action works again.

sam detweiler commented Nov 27 '13, 7:37 a.m.

and in sometimes you need to close eclipse and restart.. there were some problems with the PA definition caching.

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