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Re: SCM Tools

Raj K (10222225) | asked Jul 12 '10, 10:57 a.m.
We have used the P2 RTC Plugin for Eclipse & it works.My question is how doI get the SCM command line utility? Can someone throw some light on How do I configure the SC.ini,LSCM.bat & LSCM.ini ? (if I copy the SCM Tools Folder to Eclipse from Unzipped RTC Client)


5 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jul 12 '10, 11:50 a.m.
We have used the P2 RTC Plugin for Eclipse & it works.My question is how doI get the SCM command line utility? Can someone throw some light on How do I configure the SC.ini,LSCM.bat & LSCM.ini ? (if I copy the SCM Tools Folder to Eclipse from Unzipped RTC Client)


Check the paths in SCM.bat and LSCM.bat. It sets up an environment variable for where the JRE is. It originally points to the one that is packaged with the Eclipse client. By moving the scmtools folder, you have to fix that reference in the .bat files.

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Raj K (10222225) | answered Jul 12 '10, 12:38 p.m.
We have used the P2 RTC Plugin for Eclipse & it works.My question is how doI get the SCM command line utility? Can someone throw some light on How do I configure the SC.ini,LSCM.bat & LSCM.ini ? (if I copy the SCM Tools Folder to Eclipse from Unzipped RTC Client)


Check the paths in SCM.bat and LSCM.bat. It sets up an environment variable for where the JRE is. It originally points to the one that is packaged with the Eclipse client. By moving the scmtools folder, you have to fix that reference in the .bat files.

Here is the message I get after i point to java JDK
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Java EE\jazz\scmtools\eclipse>scm version
The IBM Class Sharing Adaptor will not work in this configuration.
You are not running on, version 2.0.2.I201004191556
Subcommands: help version, version 2.0.2.I201005061337
Subcommands: load login logout create create/workspace create/baseline create
changeset create/snapshot create/component changeset changeset/comment changese
/close changeset/relocate changeset/associate changeset/disassociate changeset/
uspend changeset/resume daemon daemon/start daemon/stop change-target change-ta
get/workspace change-target/component list list/workspaces list/projectareas li
t/teamareas list/streams list/components list/remotefiles list/credentials list
daemons list/snapshots list/locks list/properties checkin accept deliver status
conflicts resolve move lastmod share discard undo compare history diff repair w
rkspace workspace/add-components workspace/remove-components workspace/replace-
omponents property property/list property/get property/set lock lock/list lock/
cquire lock/release annotate, version 2.0.2.I200910232005
Subcommands: tools.verify tools.validate tools.echo.stdin tools.configvalue

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Jul 15 '10, 2:30 a.m.
We have used the P2 RTC Plugin for Eclipse & it works.My question is how doI get the SCM command line utility? Can someone throw some light on How do I configure the SC.ini,LSCM.bat & LSCM.ini ? (if I copy the SCM Tools Folder to Eclipse from Unzipped RTC Client)


Check the paths in SCM.bat and LSCM.bat. It sets up an environment variable for where the JRE is. It originally points to the one that is packaged with the Eclipse client. By moving the scmtools folder, you have to fix that reference in the .bat files.

Here is the message I get after i point to java JDK
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Java EE\jazz\scmtools\eclipse>scm version
The IBM Class Sharing Adaptor will not work in this configuration.
You are not running on, version 2.0.2.I201004191556
Subcommands: help version, version 2.0.2.I201005061337
Subcommands: load login logout create create/workspace create/baseline create
changeset create/snapshot create/component changeset changeset/comment changese
/close changeset/relocate changeset/associate changeset/disassociate changeset/
uspend changeset/resume daemon daemon/start daemon/stop change-target change-ta
get/workspace change-target/component list list/workspaces list/projectareas li
t/teamareas list/streams list/components list/remotefiles list/credentials list
daemons list/snapshots list/locks list/properties checkin accept deliver status
conflicts resolve move lastmod share discard undo compare history diff repair w
rkspace workspace/add-components workspace/remove-components workspace/replace-
omponents property property/list property/get property/set lock lock/list lock/
cquire lock/release annotate, version 2.0.2.I200910232005
Subcommands: tools.verify tools.validate tools.echo.stdin tools.configvalue

Seems like you are not pointing to the right JRE. Use the one that comes packaged with RTC... <install>\jazz\client\eclipse\jdk\jre\bin

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Matus Ferko (2111) | answered Sep 20 '10, 11:41 a.m.
I have the same problem. I have correct path in -vm property.
Should it end with .../bin or should it be .../bin/java.exe?

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Sep 24 '10, 4:18 a.m.
I have the same problem. I have correct path in -vm property.
Should it end with .../bin or should it be .../bin/java.exe?

It should end with .../bin. Are you still seeing the same error? Can you capture the output of java --version? It should be IBM J9 VM.

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