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When I run a query on work items, the rank is displayed as an internal identifier

Lewis Tsao (2174963) | asked Aug 16 '13, 12:21 p.m.
I am running RTC 4.0.3.
When I run a query on work items and display Rank (relative to Priority), I get things like "priority.literal.l01 Nooook" instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

I've searched and found defect 159312, someone decided that it is a duplicate of 141457). This is not a duplicate of 141457.

159312 and I want to display the rank as an integer value (that was assigned - whether it makes sense in the query result is another matter).

141457 talks about having an integer type attribute on the work item. This may solve the fundamental problem. But I am still not getting the integer value in query result.

Is there a time when this is resolved.

Many thanks.

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Simon Eickel (1.1k75457) | answered Aug 19 '13, 6:24 a.m.
Hi Lewis,

The work item you're searching for is this one:
Cannot query on rank number of work item in queries
This is set up as an Enhancement and there was an RFE for it.

The RFE has been accepted and now the Enhancement is residing within the Backlog.
I think the best would be to subscribe to this work item and give a comment.


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