Getting Configuration XML in a REST Service...

I have a class that I created that reads and/or modifies a part of the configuration xml, this is called from the RCP U/I. stubbed below:
// Initialize Model from previous configuration
public class My_RCP_UI_Class extends ProcessAspectEditor2
public void init(IProcessAspectEditorSite site, ProcessAspect inputAspect)
super.init(site, inputAspect);
manager = new AFEffortEstimationManager(); //class variable
// Initialize Model from previous configuration
ModelElement configElement = getAspect().getConfigurationElement();; //Initialize Model from Configuration XML
The manager class is passed the ModelElement and is used to read the configuration xml into a Map. This can then be used to get and set data in the Map and subsequently write the data back to the comfigfuration xml.
I now need to be able to call this same read(xxx) method from a REST service to read the configuration xml into the map. I do not need to set data into the map and save it back to the configuration xml I only need to get data from the map. How do I call my method from the REST service.
Thanks in Advance O. Frank
// Initialize Model from previous configuration
public class My_RCP_UI_Class extends ProcessAspectEditor2
public void init(IProcessAspectEditorSite site, ProcessAspect inputAspect)
super.init(site, inputAspect);
manager = new AFEffortEstimationManager(); //class variable
// Initialize Model from previous configuration
ModelElement configElement = getAspect().getConfigurationElement();; //Initialize Model from Configuration XML
The manager class is passed the ModelElement and is used to read the configuration xml into a Map. This can then be used to get and set data in the Map and subsequently write the data back to the comfigfuration xml.
I now need to be able to call this same read(xxx) method from a REST service to read the configuration xml into the map. I do not need to set data into the map and save it back to the configuration xml I only need to get data from the map. How do I call my method from the REST service.
Thanks in Advance O. Frank