Regenerate Burndown Chart
I'm in the middle of my iteration and realised that some investigation tasks have no time estimate put in at the beginning. After I log my time spent in the "Correction" field, in the burndown char, it appears the planned hours goes up and time ramaining goes up too.
I accept I have "misused" RTC by not knowing I have to have every task estimated. But is there a way the burndown chart can be fixed? Seems the Snapshot is taken and can not be regenerated. Is there a way to regenerate the chart?
Maybe I need to put in a new plan? Can an existing plan be easily duplicated?
Can you please give me some solution? Thanks!
I accept I have "misused" RTC by not knowing I have to have every task estimated. But is there a way the burndown chart can be fixed? Seems the Snapshot is taken and can not be regenerated. Is there a way to regenerate the chart?
Maybe I need to put in a new plan? Can an existing plan be easily duplicated?
Can you please give me some solution? Thanks!
One answer
On 7/12/2010 5:07 AM, zhengxie wrote:
Hi Cheng,
Unfortunately you can't do this - the snapshot data really does reflect
the history of the work items, and there's no way to fake it out.
RTC Reports Team Lead
I'm in the middle of my iteration and realised that some investigation
tasks have no time estimate put in at the beginning. After I log my
time spent in the "Correction" field, in the burndown char,
it appears the planned hours goes up and time ramaining goes up too.
I accept I have "misused" RTC by not knowing I have to have
every task estimated. But is there a way the burndown chart can be
fixed? Seems the Snapshot is taken and can not be regenerated. Is
there a way to regenerate the chart?
Maybe I need to put in a new plan? Can an existing plan be easily
Can you please give me some solution? Thanks!
Hi Cheng,
Unfortunately you can't do this - the snapshot data really does reflect
the history of the work items, and there's no way to fake it out.
RTC Reports Team Lead