3.0.1 DataWarehouse data collection time for Large Database
We're setting up RTC 301, migrating from 2002ifix1.
The Data Warehouse data collection process has been running now for almost 5 days, and we have no idea when it will complete.
It's still running data collection on WorkItems, and is at the WorkItemBasline stage.
The DB size is 33GB, 250 projects and > 200,000 work items. DB is oracle.
Has anyone else performed a similar migration?
Mike Brosnan
The Data Warehouse data collection process has been running now for almost 5 days, and we have no idea when it will complete.
It's still running data collection on WorkItems, and is at the WorkItemBasline stage.
The DB size is 33GB, 250 projects and > 200,000 work items. DB is oracle.
Has anyone else performed a similar migration?
Mike Brosnan
One answer
The initial data collection task on jazz.net took 3 days to complete. The reason for the slowness is that the initial task will need to construct the historical trending data from scratch. Also initially, some tables will grow from zero rows to hundreds of thousands of row and that sometimes trows off the Db server as the table statistics will be out of date. After the initial task finishes, the table statistics will be updates and subsequent tasks will be much faster.