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Problem checking in a file via Visual Studio

David Dulling (13731212) | asked Jul 09 '10, 3:46 a.m.
Attempting to check in a file via Visual Studio 2008 resulted in the following initial error "Error during Upload". The details are: -

Error message:
Error during upload
Failed to upload File /Software_test/TEST/Bae.Common/DD2.cs

Exception type:
Exception message:
Error during upload
Failed to upload File /Software_test/TEST/Bae.Common/DD2.cs

Exception stack trace:
at myIMessage) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2002iFix3_20100528-1921\Foundation\ServiceInterfaceProxy\WebRequestInvocationProxy.cs:line 89
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at parms, IProgressMonitor progress)
at cfa, ParmsCheckInChanges parms, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2002iFix3_20100528-1921\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 1106
at copyFileArea, String repositoryURL, String workspaceItemId, String componentItemId, String changeSetItemId, String newChangeSetComment, String[] versionablesToCheckIn, ParmsCommitDilemmaHandler commitDilemmaHandler, ParmsOutOfSyncInstructions outOfSyncDilemmaHandler, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2002iFix3_20100528-1921\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 1022
at monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2002iFix3_20100528-1921\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\operations\CheckInOperation.cs:line 133
at operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2002iFix3_20100528-1921\Foundation\UiUtils\handlers\OperationCommandHandler.cs:line 40
at`2.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs args) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2002iFix3_20100528-1921\Foundation\Core\operationrunner\internalimpl\BackgroundWorkerImpl.cs:line 154
Status code:
Remote exception type:
Request URI:
Remote stack trace:

Inner exception:
Exception type:
Exception message:
Error during upload
Exception stack trace:
Status code:
Remote exception type:
Request URI:
Remote stack trace:

It's strange that it mentions "localhost" in there somewhere even though the connection is to a server.

Anyone have any thoughts?


14 answers

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Yaron Norani (47267065) | answered Aug 17 '10, 2:42 p.m.
Hello and thanks for the input.
I have the problem for several users.
You mentioned that it looks like it was resolved in iFix2.
Can it be that the "bug" returned in iFix3?

Also please note that my configuration is VS 2005 and not 2008.

I am in a middle of a POC for a customer.
I have succeed only to "kill" scm.exe process and checkin succeed. It is not a kind of solution that I would like to supply to the customer.
Also unload and load helped once.

Can you try to reproduce it using RTC 3 and VS 2005?

Maybe the solution will be to downgrade to Ifix2?
If so, is it enough doing it for the client only?



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Walter Mansur (63613017) | answered Aug 19 '10, 8:59 a.m.
Hi Yaron,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Unfortunately, I can't try to reproduce this using RTC v2.0.0.2 with iFx3 and VS 2005. We are at VS 2008 (as noted in my earlier posting).

As far as "downgrading" to the previous iFix, I am not sure that you would find that to be a solution.

It may be best for you to open up a Work Item with the IBM RTC development team and supply all of the logs that you have seen when you encounter this issue.

- Walter

Hello and thanks for the input.
I have the problem for several users.
You mentioned that it looks like it was resolved in iFix2.
Can it be that the "bug" returned in iFix3?

Also please note that my configuration is VS 2005 and not 2008.

I am in a middle of a POC for a customer.
I have succeed only to "kill" scm.exe process and checkin succeed. It is not a kind of solution that I would like to supply to the customer.
Also unload and load helped once.

Can you try to reproduce it using RTC 3 and VS 2005?

Maybe the solution will be to downgrade to Ifix2?
If so, is it enough doing it for the client only?



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Yaron Norani (47267065) | answered Aug 19 '10, 11:12 a.m.
Hi Walter,

Thanks for your response.


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Prabodh Mairh (3812) | answered Aug 20 '10, 3:28 a.m.
Hi Yaron,
Would you please open a workitem and attach all the error logs when you encounter this issue again. Please also post the workitem number on this thread once you create it, we will monitor this thread closely.

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