linking requiremtns & test case from Excel export utilit
5 answers
This should help you out:
John Nason
RQM Development
John Nason
RQM Development
i'm a using a config file to import test cases and test scripts into RQM.
I have a work sheet for each test case and test script.
I wanted to link a requirement to each test case on each work sheet but I can't seem to get it right in the config file. Can anyone help please?
I followed the steps to import the excel file but the requirements were not imported. i didn't make any changes to the attached default cfg file.
This resulted in teh cmd line execution to fail
This resulted in teh cmd line execution to fail
This should help you out:
John Nason
RQM Development
i'm a using a config file to import test cases and test scripts into RQM.
I have a work sheet for each test case and test script.
I wanted to link a requirement to each test case on each work sheet but I can't seem to get it right in the config file. Can anyone help please?
Add "requirement.XLSLink=testcase" to your configuration file. It will create links to every testcase found on that worksheet from the requirement's on that same worksheet.
i'm a using a config file to import test cases and test scripts into RQM.
I have a work sheet for each test case and test script.
I wanted to link a requirement to each test case on each work sheet but I can't seem to get it right in the config file. Can anyone help please?
I tried that but the requirements do not get imported in the firsts place with the original cfg file.
Add "requirement.XLSLink=testcase" to your configuration file. It will create links to every testcase found on that worksheet from the requirement's on that same worksheet.
i'm a using a config file to import test cases and test scripts into RQM.
I have a work sheet for each test case and test script.
I wanted to link a requirement to each test case on each work sheet but I can't seem to get it right in the config file. Can anyone help please?