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Question on Test Case Execution Wizard

Rajesh Gottapu (20613621) | asked Jun 15 '10, 10:34 a.m.

Why the test case execution console contains fields:

Test Execution Record,

Test Environment

Test Machine

Test Cell

my question is like, i have already configured the test execution record with test environment created in Test Plan then, why there is an "Test Environment" field given for user selection during test case execution.

are the "Test Machine" and "Test Cell" fields are interrelated.

I am in assumption that Test Machine and Test Cell machine names should be same. is that right? if not what is the purpose?

Rajesh Gottapu.

2 answers

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Jun 21 '10, 3:38 p.m.
The Test Execution wizard gives you the flexibility to run tests that you may have not configured ahead of time.
For instance, you can pick a Environment that you do not have a Test Execution Record defined for, and a new TER will be created "on the fly". The idea is to give users the most flexibility to accommodate their individual business process.
As far as Test Cells vs. Test Machine: you can select a Test Cell and RQM is smart enough to pick a suitable machine from the Cell to run the test on. Ultimately, the machine specified in Test Machine is the one where the test is going to actually be run.

Hope that helps.
John Nason
RQM Development


Why the test case execution console contains fields:

Test Execution Record,

Test Environment

Test Machine

Test Cell

my question is like, i have already configured the test execution record with test environment created in Test Plan then, why there is an "Test Environment" field given for user selection during test case execution.

are the "Test Machine" and "Test Cell" fields are interrelated.

I am in assumption that Test Machine and Test Cell machine names should be same. is that right? if not what is the purpose?

Rajesh Gottapu.

permanent link
Rajesh Gottapu (20613621) | answered Jun 22 '10, 6:43 a.m.
The Test Execution wizard gives you the flexibility to run tests that you may have not configured ahead of time.
For instance, you can pick a Environment that you do not have a Test Execution Record defined for, and a new TER will be created "on the fly". The idea is to give users the most flexibility to accommodate their individual business process.
As far as Test Cells vs. Test Machine: you can select a Test Cell and RQM is smart enough to pick a suitable machine from the Cell to run the test on. Ultimately, the machine specified in Test Machine is the one where the test is going to actually be run.

Hope that helps.
John Nason
RQM Development


Why the test case execution console contains fields:

Test Execution Record,

Test Environment

Test Machine

Test Cell

my question is like, i have already configured the test execution record with test environment created in Test Plan then, why there is an "Test Environment" field given for user selection during test case execution.

are the "Test Machine" and "Test Cell" fields are interrelated.

I am in assumption that Test Machine and Test Cell machine names should be same. is that right? if not what is the purpose?

Rajesh Gottapu.


Thanks for your kind response.

Rajesh Gottapu

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