how to restrict a user to create duplicate test case in RQM
Accepted answer
Are you referring to the "copy" or "clone" test case features?
Yes, I want to restrict a user to create duplicate test case
Cloning can only be enabled if Global Configuration is enabled.
If Global Configuration is enabled and you want to prevent a specific role from cloning artifacts:
1) Click the "Admin" wheel in the upper right hand side of the screen.
2) Select "Manage This Project Area".
3) On the left side of the screen, select "Permissions".
4) Select a role.
5) On the right hand side is the list of permissions that can be set.
6) Disable permission for "Clone Artifacts".
For Copy , I couldn't find any permissions to stop copying, except to prevent the role from "Saving" the various test artifacts. But that will prevent the role from creating and saving the test artifacts.
Maybe someone else knows a way to allow a role to create test artifacts, but prevent the copy feature.