How to change the Build Label format
5 answers
See enhancement request 113599: Support property to specify build label format and the workaround mentioned there.
Even with that, there's no notion currently of a build number, just the timestamp (or possibly the build result UUID, but humans shouldn't be subjected to those).
Even with that, there's no notion currently of a build number, just the timestamp (or possibly the build result UUID, but humans shouldn't be subjected to those).
Thanks for the information, I have tried the workaround and this is working great, we use a custom tool to read our "label.cpp" file, increment the build number, update the time/date stamp, re-write the "label.cpp" file as well as a "" file which is then used to transfer the new label back to the build system.
So far, all is working great...
So far, all is working great...
Great, glad to hear. If there's anything you think we can provide in our tooling to make this easier for you, please feel free to open enhancement requests.