How find available actions to change states in RTC with OSLC
Accepted answer
If so, you can get them in the Process Configuration Source using the RTC Eclipse client. They are under the hierarchy ...<workflowDefinition><workflow><action>. You should check ...<workflowDefinition><workflow><state><action> to make sure you are only calling the valid action(s) based on the current state.
I don't know how you can get the workflow dynamically using OSLC though. I guess it's not implemented yet.
Hi Donald,
Thank you very much! I don't understand now why I forgot to look for the actions list in the process definition in RTC Eclipse Client!
But it seems, I found the same list in the Web UI after some additional research. My own "Higgs boson" :) was open in this way (sample for localhost server):
1. Open the typical services document in Web Browser
2. Find parameter "oslc_cm:url". In my case:
3. Find a record of the needed type (parameter "dc:type"). In my case I was looking for defect actions:
<dc:type rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/ccm/oslc/types/_JiV7QMO-EeOrgeMTNV2gJg/defect"/>
4. For the same record, find parameter "rtc_cm:state". In my case:
<rtc_cm:state rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/ccm/oslc/workflows/_JiV7QMO-EeOrgeMTNV2gJg/states/"/>
- Change "states" to "actions", remove suffix and open modified URL in Web Browser. In my case:
- See for the resulting page, where all workflow actions are displayed.
One other answer
I believe the REST really exists. For example, I found the description "The status of the work item (modifiable via action)" for "rtc_cm:stat" here:
You can see this description in the "Attributes" section. Here, JAZZ developer writes that it's possible: